There are over 4,000 internet searches per month using the phrase "menopause remedy". It just goes to show how many women are suffering from menopausal symptoms and how many would love one simple answer to alleviate all of them in one go. Perhaps one day that will be a possibility, but unfortunately not at the moment.
I wonder how many women actually want a remedy for the physical symptoms and how many for the psychological ones. It would be interesting to find out wouldn`t it?
When I first experienced bloating, it was the fact that I couldn`t fit into any of my clothes that distressed me, I just didn`t feel attractive anymore. And whilst hot flashes and night sweats didn`t do me any physical harm, they made my feel old. But it was when my periods petered out that I really felt past my "sell by date". It sounds silly, but from my own experiences and those of my friends, it seems that much of the "pain" of menopause, stems from the emotional fallout of what it signifies, rather than the symptoms themselves.
If this is indeed the case, it would make sense for menopausal women to ignore the opinion of society that reveres the young and deems a woman over 40 invisible. Rather than dread the onset of menopause, isn`t it about time we "took the bulls by the horns" (metaphorically speaking) and let the world know that we`re not ready to be bundled onto the scrap heap.
Why don't we wear what we want to rather than what we think we should. Ban the phrase "I`m too old to do that" from our vocabulary and embrace new challenges. How many times have you wanted to try something but felt as though people would laugh "at your age?" Well what if they can laugh too, because you have the maturity, wisdom and experience that only women of a "certain age" possess.
When you have finished reading this, go make a list of things that you have always wanted to try and then set yourself a goal perhaps 12 months in which to complete them in. Menopause? Bring it on!
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