Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Menopause Cures That Alleviate Symptoms.

Have you been troubled with sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness or hot flashes? If yes, I bet you're interested in menopause cures that can alleviate these unbearable symptoms of menopause.

Below are a few natural menopause cures that will help you attain menopause relief without the need of dipping your toe into the dicey waters of hormone replacement therapy.

Cutting down on alcohol

An excessive amount of alcohol may bring negative effects for example sleep disorders or feeling flushed. In addition to that, alcohol can act as a trigger for hot flashes and can escalate the risk for other health issues like stroke and breast cancer.


Exercise could be a highly effective sleep aid and effective in providing menopause relief. It is helpful in dealing with sleep disturbances numerous women complain about. This has been proven to improve the overall level of menopause symptoms from hot flashes to moodiness.


This is a natural ingredient that will help reduce the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes simply because soy contains a high level of phytoestrogens, or plant-based estrogens.


Based on one study, the occurrence of hot flashes was reduced as much as 50 percent via consuming flaxseed. Since it contains phytoestrogens and omega-3 fatty acids that is found to stabilize mood swings, this natural ingredient was viewed as an extremely promising menopause cure.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish lover or not, you must know that fish incorporates omega-3 fatty acids that is a beneficial ingredient that may help stabilize mood swings. Based on a growing research, omega-3 fatty acids help fight heart disease. The perfect method to include this key ingredient to your diet is by having fatty fish like salmon, tuna and trout in your diet.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh was discovered to be effective in minimizing hot flashes based on two German studies. In a single particular study showed that 80 percent of women saw a decrease in hot flashes while using black cohosh.

Natural Progesterone

Progesterone creams are an over-the-counter menopause cures which makes use of progesterone as an active component. These are skin creams that incorporate Mexican wild yams extracts and for many years, these are actually widely marketed for natural menopause relief.

Vitamin E

Based on a specific study, women using vitamin E felt a decrease of incidence of hot flashes. Fending off macular degeneration, decreasing blood pressure, and decreasing the aging of cells and tissues would be the added benefits in conjunction with lowering hot flashes.

All these mentioned above natural menopause cures are very helpful in reducing annoying menopause symptoms.

Virtually all women know that they're going to reach menopause .However, not every woman is clear about what occurs next.This is the key reason why it will always be best to ask your doctor regarding menopause.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Menopause Remedies: Physical or Pshycological ?

There are over 4,000 internet searches per month using the phrase "menopause remedy". It just goes to show how many women are suffering from menopausal symptoms and how many would love one simple answer to alleviate all of them in one go. Perhaps one day that will be a possibility, but unfortunately not at the moment.
I wonder how many women actually want a remedy for the physical symptoms and how many for the psychological ones. It would be interesting to find out wouldn`t it?

When I first experienced bloating, it was the fact that I couldn`t fit into any of my clothes that distressed me, I just didn`t feel attractive anymore. And whilst hot flashes and night sweats didn`t do me any physical harm, they made my feel old. But it was when my periods petered out that I really felt past my "sell by date". It sounds silly, but from my own experiences and those of my friends, it seems that much of the "pain" of menopause, stems from the emotional fallout of what it signifies, rather than the symptoms themselves.

If this is indeed the case, it would make sense for menopausal women to ignore the opinion of society that reveres the young and deems a woman over 40 invisible. Rather than dread the onset of menopause, isn`t it about time we "took the bulls by the horns" (metaphorically speaking) and let the world know that we`re not ready to be bundled onto the scrap heap.
Why don't we wear what we want to rather than what we think we should. Ban the phrase "I`m too old to do that" from our vocabulary and embrace new challenges. How many times have you wanted to try something but felt as though people would laugh "at your age?" Well what if they can laugh too, because you have the maturity, wisdom and experience that only women of a "certain age" possess.
When you have finished reading this, go make a list of things that you have always wanted to try and then set yourself a goal perhaps 12 months in which to complete them in. Menopause? Bring it on!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Choosing The Best Help For Menopause Hot Flashes.

Choosing The Best Help For Hot Flashes.

A lot of women, either before menopause symptoms begins or while they are in the middle of the life change, wonder how to seek help for hot flashes menopause symptoms.

As far as the healthcare community concerns, some doctors are more compassionate than others and patients will learn that treatment ideas vary widely between these highly trained medical professionals. Of course, that does not even start to describe the variety of the best health care ideas among the patients themselves. In fact some women would prefer to treat the menopause hot flashes symptoms with faster acting HRT (hormone replacement therapy), while others choose a more natural approach. In finding the method that would works for you, it is very important to work with a physician who is supportive of individual choices and preferences. Here are a few of the possible problems you may experience during this time of hormonal imbalance.

* Menopause Insomnia. The various menopause stages could certainly result in some interesting changes in your day-to-day life. Lots of women discover that their sleep schedule becomes a mess and while it does not happen to all women experiencing menopause, things such as panic attacks, night sweats and hot flashes in the middle of the night could play havoc on getting a good night's sleep. Of course this reduction in quality sleep does nothing to help you cope with your daytime menopause symptoms either. So, it is essential to help the body regain its hormonal balance to reduce the occurrence of these uncomfortable disturbances.

* Vaginal Dryness. Apparently this is the time in your life when you should be able to spend time reconnecting with your husband or partner and enjoying a sex life that does not have to involve birth control anymore. Unluckily, because of the dramatic changes in hormones, lots of women have issues with vaginal dryness, and the result is often painful sex. Of course, this does nothing to encourage the woman's libido. There are several menopause relief solutions available for this kind of issue. Everything from personal lubricant to natural menopause cures may help get you that pleasant side of your life back.

* The Classic Hot Flashes Menopause. There isn't a woman on this planet that has reached maturity that hasn't heard of the term 'hot flashes'. Hot flashes can strike at any time and often do so at the worst possible time. In addition to these pesky symptoms of heat, heart racing, and sweating, many women are embarrassed and concerned if anyone else is noticing. Therefore, do yourself a favor and use a natural menopause cure option that could help alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.

Finding a natural menopause cure can be as easy as reaching for natural progesterone cream. This all natural progesterone cream can help you feel like yourself from the early stages of menopause, through the completion of the process.For further help go to:

Herbal Remedies For Menopause That Work.

Natural Help For Menopause Symptoms. 

For women that are getting tired of suffering the same symptoms of menopause over and over each day, whether it's hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, or any of the others, I have some good news for you. There are some remedies for menopause that can help relieve these symptoms and I want to discuss a few of them here in this article.

Most women today are learning more about the herbal remedies for menopause after hearing about the dangers of hormone replacement therapy, which is the standard medical practice of providing pharmaceutical hormones produced in the lab. Research has shown that many of these therapies are responsible for a higher incidence of cancer in women, especially when taken for long periods of time.

So what are these herbal remedies and what can they do? For many centuries women relied on herbs for certain medical problems such as menopause, and those include Black Cohosh, Damiana, motherwort, Asian ginseng, licorice root, lavender, kava, and red clover, to name a few. They all have different chemical makeups and slightly different effects on the body, but they all are effective in their own way.

The main ingredient in all of these seems to be an agent called "phytoestrogens", which is a natural substance which is contained in certain herbs and even some vegetables that helps to boost the estrogen levels naturally in a woman. One of these is Red Clover which contains all four of the major types of phytoestrogens: lignans, coumestans, isoflavones, and resorcylic acid lactones. In order for these phytoestrogens to actually work to the full extent, however, you must have the proper flora in your intestinal tract. This is easy to achieve however with the addition of some yogurt, or even soy in the form of miso.

Some observation has shown that eating foods high in these phytoestrogens can help to decrease the risk of certain cancers, especially breast, ovarian, and uterine. Although these observational studies aren't proof of the effectiveness, in societies where women eat many foods containing phytoestrogens the incidence of cancer among these women is much lower. To date no real scientific proof has been shown, but hopefully more studies will be done. In the meantime eating more fruits and vegetables containing this chemical is certainly a good preventative measure, much safer than HRT.

There are many real symptoms of menopause and also many cures for these symptoms. Learn as much as you can about them, and you can take positive steps to find relief for yourself.

Learn more by visiting us at natural menopause remedies site and reading our massive article collection!

Natural Help For Menopause Symptoms.