Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Natural Help For Menopause Symptoms.

Natural Help For Menopause Symptoms. 

We all know what menopause is, but do we? We also all know that it does not seem to effect any two women in exactly the same way. Some women sail thought no real noticeable symptoms, yet others suffer with hot flashes, mood swings, and a host of other physical issues. The real secret to menopause relief seems to the acceptance of the changes that are happening, persistence and flexibility in finding treatments that work for you and a good sense of humor.

As I type this I realize that I might have death threats being put out against me. I am in no way downplaying the real emotional and physical toll that menopause takes on many. In fact I am saying that this is such a big issue for many with no real sure fire, 100% solutions that you need to respect that you are against a very formidable issue, so you are best served by strategies that are long term and aimed at preserving your health, relationships and your sanity.

The bottom line is time keeps marching on and every perky girl who ever graced the silver screen or the pages of magazines has either gone thought it or will be going thought it. Thousands before us have gone through it. It is inevitable, but out response to it is not. Our bodies might give us hot flashes, but we decide if they make us ashamed and upset that time is catching up to us or if they are a chance to laugh. You need to decide if you call it a hot flash or is it a power surge.

Acceptance is important, because it will happen no matter what, but finding solutions is very important. Talk to other woman in your family and find out what helped them with menopause. Talk to trusted girlfriends and coworkers. Research on the internet and make some simple changes, like adding soy products for the estrogen like properties in soybeans. In countries with high soybean consumption woman do not experience the same levels menopause symptoms that we have in western cultures.

Talk to your physician. Your health care providers are there for a reason. Don't be ashamed to tell them what your problems are. They can offer treatments, alternatives, and ideas. All they do all day hear what is working and not working for people in treating this and many other conditions. Relief might be as simple as a little estrogen cream applied once a day  or drinking black cohosh tea. Menopause help will not come find you, so be your own advocate and find something that works for you!

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Menopause Signs: 10 common Signs of Menopause Onset

by Beth Dunn
The list of signs linked with the menopause can be long and quite disconcerting. Luckily , no lady experiences the entire range of symptoms and most ladies will only experience one or two. For the lucky few, they may not have any symptoms or signs at all. Menopause, or even more exactly perimenopause, is the time when your body starts to react to dropping levels of hormones, particularly, the female hormone oestrogen. It's a good time to begin Amberen for menopause. Since a little more than three-quarters of all ladies will experience several signs of the menopause, it is useful to be armed with the information that will prepare you for changes in your life both emotionally and physically. Here I have identified 10 of the most common signals of menopause. One of the most common signs of menopause and potentially the most discussed, is hot flushes or flashes and night sweats. These are experienced by 85% of ladies of menopausal age. A hot flush is the feeling of feeling unexpected heat, often accompanied by sweating. Hot flushes occur as the brain decides that the body is overheated and reacts in an appropriate way. The degree of severity of hot flushes is widely variable from one ladies to another. During a hot flush, a woman's temperature will rise, her pulse rate will beat faster and tremors may occur. The pain of hot flushes is unique and isn't the same as simply being too hot. Nevertheless they can be irritated by hot weather or too hot room temperatures. Hot flushes that occur at night are called night sweats, in which you wake up hot and drenched in perspiration. Ladies often talk about throwing the bed covers off one moment and then being cold the next. These can cause insomnia and very disturbed nights which can cause a depressive state and disability to cope the following day. Mood swings are common at this time. As oestrogen and progesterone decline, some women believe that they get more emotional. Frequently strong emotional reactions like sadness, annoyance or bad temper are felt. In extreme cases sensations of anxiety or depression might be experienced, but not recognized as the effects of the menopause. Menstrual irregularities are typically a first evidence of the onset of the menopause. Due to hormone imbalance it is sort of ordinary to have irregular, absent, short and even extremely heavy periods. It is recognised that if you have not had a period for 12 months then you have likely utterly finished menstruation. But as with all irregular vaginal bleeding, it's best to have this checked with a professional in the event of any other Problems not connected with the menopause. Vaginal dryness is an indicator that women are unwilling to speak about, but could cause much trouble. About 30% of women suffer from this during early post menopause. It can end up in inflammation, aridity or discomfort, which can result in agonizing sex. Weight gain is exceedingly commonplace in this phase. The weight you may gain at menopause is because of a slower metabolism, and the fall in oestrogen levels change patterns of fat deposits. Less muscle bulk and a slower metabolism can give you a bigger stomach as well as the classic 'flabby ' arms. Forgetfulness is another common symptom of menopause, one which most ladies just put down to being exhausted or aging. It can be very troubling. If however cognitive changes interfere with a woman's capability to do daily activities, it's a brilliant idea to get this checked by a health professional. Fatigue can sometimes be extreme during the menopause. It is usually short lived while your body adjusts to lower oestrogen levels. It's also linked to disturbed sleep due to night sweats. Muscle and joint pains are another effect of the menopause. At the onset of the menopause, collagen that supplies the scaffolding for each tissue in the body, begins to disintegrate. Muscles lose their bulk, strength and coordination. Therefore joints become stiff and prone to tenderness. Joints may swell after exercise and mobility becomes more limited. If you keep liquid you may feel pins and needles in the hands. Heart trembling or irregular beats can be standard for some females at the menopause. If this is frequent or accompanied with difficulty respiring, chest agony or queasiness, it may be a sign of heart Problems and medical help should be sort instantly. Menopause is a natural biological process which can start as early as 30, but the average age is about 52. Most ladies will experience some of the indicators of menopause, explaining why it is. Vital to have some appreciation of what can be expected. Some of the signs of menopause can be missed or dismissed. Some can have very distressing effects on ladies, which is the reason why it is always advisable to seek skilled advice on your symptoms just in case there's another health issue. Visit to find out about menopause treatment using an all natural product. You can also read Amberen reviews and learn about the Amberen side effects.